Wednesday 17 July 2013

All Hail the "Customer"

In business , the phrase “customer is king “ is used so often that I wonder if really, there is a kingdom– I think it is the magic word that tips the scale of balance. Well….
I swear down, there are some jobs I'll "never" go for even if the money is right. E.g customer agent for any telecommunication

“Choosy me”...You say
Apparently, I thought so myself, but the powers that be insists we (Engineers) attend to customer complaint sent in by calling the customers to confirm and inquire about the said complaint.

Now my dilemma!!…who does this! Apparently, only this company does.

I remember the first day clearly… mentally preparing myself and repeatedly telling myself to behave, I picked the phone to dial a customer’s phone number
“Good morning, my name is Nancy calling from" ……”I speak in my professional voice
“Yes. Who is it” the customers says
Hold up!! Don’t lose it just yet I tell myself after the rude reply from the customer.

“My name is Nancy, I’m calling to inquire if you made any complaint concerning the network quality in your area” I go on though my voice begins to get frosty (thankfully there are no recorded calls)
“Yes, ehen, is that why you are calling, if you don’t have anything better to do, I do” customers speaks rudely again.
That does it!!!! The small grip I have on my temper gives way

“Well Madame, in all honesty I have a shit load of work but I took time out to pick the phone to call you, disrupting my schedule to accommodate you, if you really had any respect  for me,you wouldn’t have spoken  in that tone and please bear in mind, I’m an Engineer not a customer agent. I’m not required to take bull from you!!
An earful you say…well, I so wish I said it that way….
But I didn’t want to jinx my first day…crap you say again. well..i thought so too..
But.... If you were me what would you do?


  1. Lol I would have said what you were afraid to say. Ok, maybe not. But I'd have said this: "Apologies for the inconvenience. Do have a wonderful day, Madam." (Drops phone) "BITCH!"
    Yep! I'd definitely said that

  2. first of all, I see everyday y u and I ckicked from day one ......yes I cant do the call center thing ever!!! secondly hmn that customer would have gotten something like this from me"madam I took time out of my busy schedule to call u cos I wanted to elevate u to a status u apparently do not deserve (important customer) now if u ever call to complain about ur network again I will personally block ur line cos I am sure u spend less than I spend on lunch in a day for airtime in a month. bye madam and have a nice day" and I would have sounded as nice as possible. but thank God like u I am an engineer and I dnt have to do the calling
