Wednesday, 31 July 2013

stylishly trickish

There was a time I was a genius with a pen
now all seem like a mockery... screaming that was then
looking at my paper
wishing this will be the winner
I take the plunge
Beginning with a phrase.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013


I'm off to take a voyage
leaving behind every baggage
off to see the universe
you see, this poem is meant to be free verse
However, I couldn't care less
I will cast my net into river Thames
bask in the warmth of the sun on Waikiki beach
relish the specialty of the Nordic cuisine
take a breather around Hyde  Park
paint the sunset on the street of Via dolorosa
kiss like the French
gamble like I have nothing to lose in Las vegas
and sleep like royalty in Burj al Arab
guess it is only right you wish me bon voyage!

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Cupid's latest conquest

It started out like every other workday would. "I get out of  bed- iron my clothes- shower and hit the  road. But he (cupid) made sure it wouldn't end the way it should.

I should probably spill ...before you topple off your seat...
During lunch break, my colleague and I decided to eat at a restaurant we just discovered.
We got in, sat, ordered and  lingered after we had cleared the food off our plates.

This is where the story begins to get awkward.

As we made to leave the restaurant, I heard someone call out my name . I raise my head to see who did.
You know what? the  vision before me made my heart beat go flip flop..
 This dude( name with held, like I would even write his name) that I had the hots for way back but wouldn't admit sauntered towards me.
"How are you, good to see you"..I smiled and extended my hands quickly to avoid the hug I saw coming .
"Good, very happy I bumped into you" lost but found hottie replied putting his other free hand into his pocket to retrieve his phone.
"Can I have your number, so we could keep in touch"
"hell-to-yes you can" charlie(voice) in my head answered in my stead
Ha!!! My poker face act was superb...
Just when, I'm thinking  " I won this hand", I see his hand....precisely his fourth finger...that shinny round piece  of metal silently mocking me.

If this was Cupid's idea of a joke , it went right over my head.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Change Vs Career....Nigeria in view

"Most people use change to promote their career while a few use their career to promote change" words uttered by Sarah Palin during a speech. She was the republican candidate for Vice president and also Governor for Alaska before resigning.
Most people viewed her as a "rookie", some said she was "wet behind the ears and she didn't know politics, Whichever sides they took, she was celebrated. Her name has gone into the history books for being the first Female governor and Republican candidate for vice president.
I will like to state that I take a liberal stand. I have no affinity for any political party. I am only a concern citizen of Nigeria.
In Nigeria, I'm yet to see one who will use his/her career to promote change Most of our leaders use change to promote their career and the downward trend in national affair is proof of this.
 During elections, their campaigns and speeches have a predictable trend...
"If you elect me, I will provide water, electricity, roads, good health facility, education"....
All of which should be basic right for citizen. Their dangling carrot promises quickly forgotten like a patient suffering amnesia when they assume office.
I will like to see a governor,senator, president, local governor chairman, house of representative, or persons of authority use their career to promote change In Nigeria.

I'm tired of the merry-go-round ride already!!!!!

Monday, 22 July 2013

Judge them NOT!!!!

Reality TV or Talent show as  they should be aptly called have taken over the air waves..everyone wants to put up a show- from telecoms-brewery industry- talk shows.

 For me, it is okay as long as  it keeps my eyes  riveted to the screen, make me rush to the fuel (gas) station so I could  turn the generator on when PHCN does what they are best known for and lastly make me use my modem to stream the episode I missed online.

But wait, isn't  it hard earned money going down......just to see these "talent show trotters"?

Sunday, 21 July 2013

From Playroom to Bedroom

"Uncle muhammad, uncle muhammad is here"! kafiat exclaims leaving the plates she was washing rushing towards  him with a knowing smile .
"Kafiat, how are you today, hope you have been a good girl," muhammad asks after a brief hug.
"Yes uncle, so what did you bring for us."
"You know Ramadan will soon end, and you promised me a dress.
"of course I did, you will soon have as many dresses as you'd like" uncle responds
 Ehen, Ha! Plenty dress,I will always pray for you, Allah will make you big.
"Amen! Are your parents at home, I want to speak to them
"Yes uncle..just go in"  returning to  wash the plates she forgot in her excitement.

You see, muhammad isn't really her uncle, he lives in the neighbourhood,  but isn't that what we call people older than us ?

well back to my story

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Charity begins at. ...The Soup Kitchen

I'm writing on my first major charity volunteering with soup kitchen's team.

We played host to the children of Makoko community in Yaba, lagos state.

There was food and there was food! I thought we wouldn't have kids  come seeing  as we started somewhat later than we wanted.

But Lawd have mercy!!! We were swamped!

The whole scene made me weep ( observe the tense)  for the future of these kids, will they make it out of this slum? seeing as our government would rather pass bills to make  child marriage legal than  make ones that will enable kids such as this child (picture below)have a shot at a good future.
Will he be  amongst those whose story would give drake's "started from the bottom now we here" the intended meaning  ...I sincerely hope so.

Friday, 19 July 2013

On your mark. ...Set....Go!!

I know this topic has been talked about so many times but need I remind you that you haven't read it here, so it's still News!

For those who visit my space from other continent asides Africa ( guess I've earned my bragging rights) you might not have heard or seen but the traffic hawkers do make the long hours in traffic bearable. What with the gala, ice cream,coconut chip to mention a few, we just sit and probably have dinner made of plantain chips and soft drink

However, not  all the  hawkers sell "munchables"  and  this gets me worried if really they have something to show for the long hours in  traffic.  I didn't need to interview one as I  got to witness first  hand their frustration.

The world is a mirror

The world is a mirror
Irrespective of colour
The actions of men transcend in their act of terror
Time and continent seem minor.

The world is a mirror
Look and pray tell what you see
Bloodshed, mayhem and assault
Time and continent seem minor.

The world is a mirror
Man's act of kindness gives me hope
That the world can be redeemed
Time and continent really does seem minor.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

My First Attempt....

The first time I put my pen to paper was when a friend asked me to try writing a book.I was scared, took me days to summon my muse( Charlie) to think up something.

Maybe I did a darn good job or maybe not....the "Koko of the matter"( main thing) is I did..

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

All Hail the "Customer"

In business , the phrase “customer is king “ is used so often that I wonder if really, there is a kingdom– I think it is the magic word that tips the scale of balance. Well….
I swear down, there are some jobs I'll "never" go for even if the money is right. E.g customer agent for any telecommunication

“Choosy me”...You say
Apparently, I thought so myself, but the powers that be insists we (Engineers) attend to customer complaint sent in by calling the customers to confirm and inquire about the said complaint.

Now my dilemma!!…who does this! Apparently, only this company does.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Life in many Phrases and Stages; Memories in Collages and Frames

This is everything I haven't done..though been toying with the idea of quitting my job( emphasis on toying)....I could start listing all the things I would want to do, maybe someday all the stuffs in my bucket list will be checked!! I would have to ask Tabitha( anyone remember passion?)...
 This post isn't going to go the usual way...  me trying to empower you, nah.....I haven't got my Dr Phil scrub on.
I will mention some of the things I did that kinda went the wrong way.. who cares!! right?
here goes...

Friday, 12 July 2013

All We Have is Now

Every good thing springs from a thought

      Never try too hard to connect the dot....

         As life is but a breath

              Given out of love not regret...

Don't Let Me Go

I'm walking on cloud nine
Basking in your warm embrace
If I ever hit the ground
I will hit it running
As my eyes will be set solely on this one thing
To run back  into your arms

I will be left alone to pine