Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Life in many Phrases and Stages; Memories in Collages and Frames

This is everything I haven't done..though been toying with the idea of quitting my job( emphasis on toying)....I could start listing all the things I would want to do, maybe someday all the stuffs in my bucket list will be checked!! I would have to ask Tabitha( anyone remember passion?)...
 This post isn't going to go the usual way...  me trying to empower you, nah.....I haven't got my Dr Phil scrub on.
I will mention some of the things I did that kinda went the wrong way.. who cares!! right?
here goes...

  1. My friends and I thought we were amongst the cool girls in Sec School , but guess what? I was as straight as a chopping board back then I just couldn't pull off the short uniform...mehn...it was hilarious,I was tempted to pad my bra..hmmm.. imagine how that would have gone down....I shudder at the picture my imaginative brain just painted. 
  2. The accent thing, yes, we some of us are guilty as Zimmerman( a post for another time)..I would  speak through my nose thinking that would make me sound authentic..guess you can spot a fake, an inch away.
  3. I did try to be a guy( or so I thought)...I would talk smack to my sisters, try to bully them...you don't want to know how that went down
I would stop there since I've opened the gate of memory lane for some...you can  share the downright hilarious ones
Back to the photo/picture,I happen to like the last words....

Life is short, Live your dreams and share your passion....

 It (life) is in many stages, I wouldn't dare do some of the things I tried way back and though I still miss some of  them, they are framed and locked in that part of the brain that is reserved for "memories"
and so my parting shot will be....
I sincerely hope I get around to my bucket list.

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh! Wonders! So, Nancy is human after all! :D I'd like to meet this Nancy
