Friday, 19 July 2013

On your mark. ...Set....Go!!

I know this topic has been talked about so many times but need I remind you that you haven't read it here, so it's still News!

For those who visit my space from other continent asides Africa ( guess I've earned my bragging rights) you might not have heard or seen but the traffic hawkers do make the long hours in traffic bearable. What with the gala, ice cream,coconut chip to mention a few, we just sit and probably have dinner made of plantain chips and soft drink

However, not  all the  hawkers sell "munchables"  and  this gets me worried if really they have something to show for the long hours in  traffic.  I didn't need to interview one as I  got to witness first  hand their frustration.

It was late evening and as usual the traffic on Aah road is so predictable that we (my sis and I) have  ditched the stations  that report traffic situations for ones that play music...
In my line of vision was a guy  selling magazines of all kind, he notice I am looking at them and  hastens towards me. Not wanting to appear uninterested, I ask for the price and I move to  take that which caught my attention.

"How much be this one" I say in pidgin,
"500 Naira" the guys says. Note; We are still in traffic, and then all of a sudden like the red Sea that parted for the Israelite,  the road became free. My sister  excited about this speeds up with me still holding the magazine and the seller chasing us.(you should have a mental picture of this scenario already)
Thankfully, we get stuck again ....mehn!! this guy could give  Bolt a run for the gold.

Please recall we are still  haggling over the price and my intent is to  slash the said #500 in half.

"So how much last, make I pay #250 na"

Thinking to myself  that he would sell to me for that price, not after the race he ran,
guess but what? I was dead wrong.

"Give me back, you for come tiff am now" ...."tiff" he curses,his expression was murderous ,I can boldly say I am lucky to be alive to write about it.

I am certain he hadn't made any sale and also sure that  seeing  money  change hands between gala sellers and " us" frequently would have brought the frustration to the fore. he might have asked  this himself this question  " am I really in the right line of business?".
 Just when hope starts  to wane, I come along erasing his doubt only to shatter it....

who could blame him for his reaction because  I sure  couldn't.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO! Oh dear, oh dear! Nancy, you will be the end of me *tears in my eyes* haha!
