Monday, 30 September 2013

Depression.. A state of mind?

My head weighs more than it should, body temperature seem abnormally high, if I were to check my blood pressure, I will only be confirming the obvious.The feeling in my heart is heavy, I'm walking like someone who just heard the most terrible news, or should I say, I can almost feel what Jesus went through on the way to Calvary...some deep stuff I'm laying on you eh?

Saturday, 28 September 2013

The Nigerian-ess in us

Many might wonder how I came about this but I bet you wouldn't want me to launch  into a monologue about how in my bathroom , with the water cascading down my head, the thought exploded in my brain?

Hehehe...okay,  you can see right through my act.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Ode to three wonderful people

Three of the most wonderful people( Dolamu,Joseph and Ethelbert) to walk planet earth were born this month. they have each come at different times into my life and "stay" they have.
As you know, I love writing and I had to do a special for each of them

Ode to Dolamu/Sept 13th
I forgot her birthday by a day and I had to apologize crawling on my kneels and pleading never to do so again.

Roses are red
Violet is blue
A true friend is you
Even though I am late
Cos I forgot the date
My heartfelt wishes are evergreen
You are the next best thing human eyes has ever seen..after me(lol)
You are the best friend I ever wished for
Words to describe you are innumerable
If I could paint, you will be a mahogany
Deeply rooted and strong..that you are
If I could voice will be clear and sweet
Cos that how you lovely you are
Since all I can do is write, well that is pretty much what I have done.
Witty and fun that's what you are.
Get ready cos tonight, I'd be getting you drunk on vodka..

In a far away land, in an obscure village, the cries of two babies was heard, the sound was loud to send the snoring man crashing unto the floor in a bid to escape what he thought was the enemy coming for him..okay, I made all that's the real deal below

Ode to Joseph/ Sept 17th

To a brother
To a trusted friend
In many ways than one..An anchor
As you celebrate this new beginning
Your joy(s) shall be unending
The paths you will thread
You shall not dread
For He is ahead
So cheers my bestie
Enjoy your twenties..
Cos your memories are the only sureties.

Ode to Ethelbert/Sept 17th

People come into our lives
Some rush in and out like a whirlwind
Leaving us confused as to why they bothered
Some tumble in and crash like a strong wave
Taking with then something precious when they leave
You are amongst the select few
That we happen to meet per chance
Like a treasure stumbled upon on a shore
Ordinary but priceless to those that can spot value
And that chance of meeting you 
Is one i will treasure for the rest of my days 
Cheers to a good life filled with happy days

Saturday, 14 September 2013

The coveted List

I have had so much going on lately, not that I'm complaining(that is what I am doing), I wish I could leave everything behind and just go on a cruise, or better still, on a boat(since,I don't have money for either a yacht or a cruise) round the world...I wouldn't even survive the Atlantic  ocean on my boat.

Hold on, I've friends from around the globe reading my blog..yep, you guys from the US, Malaysia,South Korea,India,China,Russia,Netherlands, UK, how about you tell me something exciting I would love if I were to visit your county and I in turn would do same.( hopefully,)

Friday, 6 September 2013

All that Glitters....finale

I have managed to keep you guessing, wondering when I would spit the real crime I committed out. I would do so but you have to understand a little more about my past as that would help the present. 
I don't have all the time before I pick the phone to call the police. The only thing I am scared of is not making you understand. 

Thursday, 5 September 2013

All that Glitters

Often times, we delude ourselves thinking about how grateful we ought to be in positions we find ourselves, even if we are dying a slow death,as a result of mistakes we made and won’t correct out of shame of what others would think . The “I am fine” answers we give are just cliché and not how we really feel. How deep should the cut go, before we realize how hollow we have become? Too many questions we try to find answers to!  Probably if some of the world’s finest researches haven’t taken place, we would still be in the age where all I would ever care about is pleasing my husband. The saying asking for trouble is so apt, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we shouldn't try to find answers; I am just trying to exonerate myself. At least the same research provided the medium I’m using to type this letter as well as how I planned his death. Have I managed to shock you? Well how about I start from the beginning…the very beginning.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Dirty Laundry

"Breathe in " I tell myself some minutes after I had a panic  attack today. I have never had any near-death experience,  all I know about  it is from the victim's recounting. 
"I feel like I have been given a second chance" is the common denominator about this experience. I sure didn't see God speaking or rebuking me, I very well, didn't see the devil at work ; poking his minions with that thing and  breathing fire on the newcomers. What I saw was my life flashing very fast before my eyes. Swear down, I saw myself walking down the aisle dressed in white.(maybe I shouldn't get ahead of my self. no?)

******  sloting in Kelly Rowlands "dirty laundry"*******

What are those things you regret doing? or those things you wish you hadn't done. Right, I sense you thinking hard, reaching into the deep recess of your mind  searching. One thing I can guarantee is that if you experienced what I went through, it wouldn't be difficult to do the dirty laundry. One thing I did regret doing was watching the movie canyons. Don't know whether it is an adaptation of the book " 50 shades of grey". Another thing I'm sure of is  that my last memories colored by christain grey habits would earn me the most gruesome afterlife.

The Girl With the African Tattoo

She ain't afraid to show it
She won't be cowed to denying her roots
On beauty products 
She wouldn't be relying on for her looks

Proud...she is of her culture
To others, it is a mark of torture
To some, it is a taboo
For any to have this facial tattoo

Pitiful  glances became her lot
To them that cared, her culture she taught
The meaning behind the act
This she did with tact

It represents beauty she sings
Eni sa keke ogun, aajo ewa ni 
Eni babaja ogbon, aajo ewa ni 
(The one that bears twenty keke marks, makes effort to beautify

The one that bears thirty abaja marks, makes effort to beautify)

It serves as a protection against death she chants
Onikeke logun
Alabaja logbonOnikoko kaadota
A dia fin Odunmbaku…
Won ni o rubo nitori iku
Won ni o fadiye irana kan rubo
O se e iku ko pa aIjo ni o njoAyo ni o n yo
(The one that bears keke live above twenty
The one that bears abaja live above thirty
The one that bears koko live above fifty
This divines for Odunmbaku
Who was asked to offer propitiation against death
With a sacrificial fowl
He did and never struck by death
He was dancing
He was rejoicing)

Sunday, 1 September 2013

The Other Woman

I fell head long at first sighting
Now I'm asking
Weren't there warning signs?
Or I just turned blind to it
As many would the blinking yellow on a traffic light
Slow down or crash it bellows
Well..crash I did
Into this abysmal state
Sitting and waiting besides my telephone
Would you call?
Would you call me baby like you always do when I answer?
Stolen kisses plague my memories
Your scent now turning musty on the sheet invade my dreams
Though you were never mine
I waited, it's just a matter of time
Your parting words when you leave
Yes, unto these words I cleave
Now, you tell me it is over
That you never meant to hurt me
I love you, you say
But try to move deserve better
All I deserve, a letter?
Sent by you,
How do I tell your son that his father never knew
That I waited to share the news but you never came
That all I was to you was...the other woman.