Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Ode to three wonderful people

Three of the most wonderful people( Dolamu,Joseph and Ethelbert) to walk planet earth were born this month. they have each come at different times into my life and "stay" they have.
As you know, I love writing and I had to do a special for each of them

Ode to Dolamu/Sept 13th
I forgot her birthday by a day and I had to apologize crawling on my kneels and pleading never to do so again.

Roses are red
Violet is blue
A true friend is you
Even though I am late
Cos I forgot the date
My heartfelt wishes are evergreen
You are the next best thing human eyes has ever seen..after me(lol)
You are the best friend I ever wished for
Words to describe you are innumerable
If I could paint, you will be a mahogany
Deeply rooted and strong..that you are
If I could sing...my voice will be clear and sweet
Cos that how you lovely you are
Since all I can do is write, well that is pretty much what I have done.
Witty and fun that's what you are.
Get ready cos tonight, I'd be getting you drunk on vodka..

In a far away land, in an obscure village, the cries of two babies was heard, the sound was loud to send the snoring man crashing unto the floor in a bid to escape what he thought was the enemy coming for him..okay, I made all that up..here's the real deal below

Ode to Joseph/ Sept 17th

To a brother
To a trusted friend
In many ways than one..An anchor
As you celebrate this new beginning
Your joy(s) shall be unending
The paths you will thread
You shall not dread
For He is ahead
So cheers my bestie
Enjoy your twenties..
Cos your memories are the only sureties.

Ode to Ethelbert/Sept 17th

People come into our lives
Some rush in and out like a whirlwind
Leaving us confused as to why they bothered
Some tumble in and crash like a strong wave
Taking with then something precious when they leave
You are amongst the select few
That we happen to meet per chance
Like a treasure stumbled upon on a shore
Ordinary but priceless to those that can spot value
And that chance of meeting you 
Is one i will treasure for the rest of my days 
Cheers to a good life filled with happy days

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