Sunday, 4 August 2013

Life is a passing shadow

"Vanity upon vanity, the preacher say...All is vanity".These were the words from the first reading of today. I'm a Catholic..that's if you haven't already figured out. The gospel reading  went further to give credence to the above saying with the story of the Rich fool.
This wise man thought he had it he said to himself; be happy and merry for you have  food to last you for ever. How naive could he be? that very day, his soul was demanded of him.

There I was thinking I had heard the last of this message but the  movie Temptation lent its own point of view.
You don't  have to be religious to think that the above saying is true...We are humans, some day it  will all pass. We might have our moments or maybe not. We could be bitter and angry at someone else's success and thus go the whole nine yard to have a taste of what the other side looks, feels like...In the end, "all is just an illusion" so says Judith, a character in the movie temptation. You wanna know what her reward was? She had Hiv and she lost her good husband to another woman who saw his worth. I'm sorry and also not sorry . she got what was coming for her as we all will. So remember, life is a passing shadow.

This is my view, not pushing it on anyone . but I discovered something may be much rather late in life though. If you don't have a voice(opinion) then you are good as dead...

1 comment:

  1. true talk, life is but a phase and like every phase it will pass, how do u want to be remebered
