Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Day6- The next time

The next time you want to trade in your right?
think about this;
It is not left to 159 billion Nigerians or more
to make up for your 1% that could
have swung the vote
The next time you say “we already know who’ll win”
please do so in the scarlet letter you shall write to your self
for being a traitor to the cause of changing the “already’s” to “not yet’s”.
The next time you listen to the manifesto’s of copious aspirants
and chant songs praising their mantra to give you needs
on a platter of false grins and uncensored libels
you might want to hide your face from any camera lurking by
cos that will be the evidence that will be nailed to your coffin.
As for them whose dream is to get customized fabric wearing
the face of future cheats, your transgression
shall be printed not in bulletins that will fade
but in the history books.
And them that race for grains in sizes larger than a millet
Your dignity has been fried in the skillet
held by the hand that fed you falsehood.
The next time you say “I’ll not stand in the sun and cast my vote”
Remember that you’ll someday stand in line waiting to be handed
food in a refugee camp not in a foreign or strange land.

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