Saturday, 16 August 2014

They said

They said 
"we shall bring back our girls"
girls that belong to 
them, you and me
It's been 121 days and
I'm still counting
the days to their return
like they struggled to
count the number of girls 
accurately on the Abacus
we use in place of systems.

that got states united in one voice,
led the march to match
the kidnappers mockery
of my nations intelligence 
who found all exits
but no entry into his lair,
claiming they wouldn't
use force but would rather
police the twenties and
so, it's been 3 months, 30days 
and I'm still counting
the month to their return
like they struggled to
count the number of girls 
accurately on the Abacus 
we use in place of systems.

that got nations united,
blazed a trail and
would have torched the city
if it weren't for the lives
housed inside plot 234, Bush street 
off forest road, Sambisa 
whilst we on the outside made 
a spectacle of everything but a show,
swearing upon our blood
that we are not show people.

We joined in making the sign
blew it up like Christmas banger
knocked out anyone who dared
to question it's authenticity.

we drank our fill
of a product not tested
draped it on our dps
to show our solidarity
clawed the ground from the earth
to bemoan our fate,
and cried a flood to wash
the taunts of death that
stained our cheeks..
all because our girls were
trending, hashtaged, the
breaking news that broke the
death of silence that held us 
closely to its bosom, and like
mother she rose

graced the podium 
like the dame she is
bled tears to show the
mutilated pupil resting
on the bed of anguish
screamed hoarsely with 
words empty as a barrel 
of its content
cos only those that
have done the least,
have plenty to say
But I'd say this... 
I feel we are being played
and it's a score I want settled
cos I want no part 
in this fixed match.

"Are these girls real"
or just a cover to hide 
under in place of their
umbrella yet can't
offer protection against
the cloud of insult
sweeping towards them by
the hand that holds the broom.

But if they still insist on
bringing back our girls
I'd like to remind them 

it's been 2904 hours and
I'm still counting
the hours to their return
like they struggled to
count the number of girls 
accurately on the Abacus
we use in place of systems

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