Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Lights, Camera..This @$#& must go Viral

Am I be allowed to use the S word? Cos I’ve searched through many plethora of vocab and nothing fits. so my excuse is " I’m allowed one cuss word a day" (doctor’s order).

People, what is wrong with us. This viral disease is eating through our membrane and we seem to have lost our senses alongside. People with 3310 wouldn’t want to feel left out, trust them to whip their phones out like… tananantana

Okay, I remember when we were young, we had Ten-Ten, Suwe and we were more than happy. To say we were sated will be to paint a picture of a child licking lollipop in contentment. One could bag the Ten-Ten champion. If it was possible, your feet would be insured and you are sure to be amongst the cool crowd, just cos you could play ten-ten like a pro. I wished we could have a tournament for these games. (Now, I’m getting ahead of myself).

Now it seems like we have lost our youth, fostering lingering friendship has been lost and I know that this topic has been over flogged and it pleads for mercy. ejo efimile ahn (leave me alone na)
The reign of smartphones is supreme and nothing can take its place. (Or so it seems). We have all become citizen journalist. When we take picture we only think...” This shit must go viral”. The Ellen selfie spoilt it all and trust naija and copycopy.” How can this gay woman get all the attention while we straight people sulk and scream at the number of retweets”.

well..if this shit doesn't go viral, what else will? by fire by force!!!

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