So I shall put up my work and give a brief run of the thought behind why I went with this idea. We call it Rationale
1. Close up
Close up is a toothpaste. with experience, if you have a charm, you can win people over, so Imagine if you have a winning smile, you'll make the hardest man putty in your hands. so I looked for Iconic figures whose way of life replicated peace and their legacy will be remembered for all times.
2. Klenze detergent
This was a pseudo brief. we were asked to come up with creatives for Dirty minded Nigerians ( double entendre). Well, I don't need to explain the creatives. I'll leave your mind to do the explaining. hehehe

3. Sissy Eko.
Also, a pseudo brief. Sissy Eko is a new airline and its USP is affordable, I decided to go cheeky and I can say I had too much fun. I also created the tagline fly premium, pay minimum
4. Homeless project
What differentiates people asides colour, race, sex. Our addresses also is our identity. you almost cannot do anything without an address. so I went with that Idea. They also have an address just not the typical one we all have. My second direction is a play on words on how we love to talk about helping the needy and when it comes down to giving, we tender excuses. the name of my organisation is shelter for the homeless. my tagline. enriching lives is our reality. ( I hope to make this a project that'll have people talking)
5. Diesel
This is a perfume for men, the USP is that it gives sex appeal to any who uses. My question is to all ladies. Did you give that ugly guy that approached you any second to speak? well, beauty did. An like that ( abracadabra) she fell head over heels in love.
6. Frisomum
Frisomum milk is for pregnant women and lactating mums. My idea was to give women that sense of gratification that when they drink frisomum, all fear about whether the child will not surpass each milestone from birth to adulthood will be laid to rest. With frisomum...every child will turn out right.
So that's about it folks. feel free to use the comment box below. don't be a stranger.
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