Wednesday, 13 November 2013

The Other Side of November

I am writing this post from a happy place. This is probably the only post about myself that is true.  Yes...I know, I tell small "untruths" to make your eyes remain glued to this space. Blame it on blogging :p
 I am was an engineer, it seems like just only yesterday I handed my resignation letter to the management . (sorry mail). I forget we have lost the art of writing on paper.

"I hereby notify you of my resignation as an RF Engineer"...blah blah.

"What! Why! How come! Where are you going to" were the responses I got after I'd  sent the harmless mail that took forever to compose and then another eternity to click the send button . To say I didn't have mixed feelings is to say I take my bath with clothes on.hehe

Maybe I  should have started with  Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech. But that would be incorrect because unlike Martin  "I am living the dream". For the sake of chronology, I'd try to bring you up to speed. I read agricultural engineering as my first degree, worked in the telecoms industry after graduation as a radio network optimization engineer ( I know it is a mouthful) for three years still wasn't satisfied. I was floundering about, a big vacuum was left with nothing to feel the emptiness..then I found poetry and it felt like I was whole again. I began to scribble on anything I could lay my hands on and It grew from a favourite pastime to "Dear Lord, I want to leave my job".but you know how it is;   fear of the unknown.

Hmmm, Hian....

1st of January 2013,  I threw all caution to the wind and made a resolution that it would be the last year I'd spend at my job-with or without another job waiting. God always hear the cry of his faithful. I don't believe in faith without action. Remember I told you I found poetry? I began to put them up on my Facebook wall, to get noticed and it worked. I had a presence, I had a column on my wall and of course, began blogging ( for fear of lifters) maybe if I put it on my blog, it would be patented. :)

The determination to succeed is the only difference between a hard worker/celebrated icons and an abeg-make -I-take-am-surffry person. I kept at It until my knight in shinny armour (he knows himself) appeared. We weren't close back in the day but he saw my pieces and asked what I was doing about my talent. "That wan sef na jamb question", I answered in humor hoping to cover the inadequacies I felt at not having done anything as opposed to posting on Facebook and blog alone.

I was amazed at the turn of events, he didn't ask for money to help, he didn't say you would repay me in kind, he only did what we were all put on earth for, be thy neighbor's keeper. He put in a word or two or three or even more at an agency and recommended me. Me! Yes! a rookie,  a wet behind the ears poet, a lady whose works is featured on social media. He was and still is my cheer leader..

There is always a kink in all stories, in most  fairy tales, Cinderella had an evil, step mother, in lion king, the evil uncle,  in snow White, the evil also, I had an evil friend, his name is 'delay'. Imagine going for an interview in May and then noting: no mail, sms, phone call stating you have been selected until November. Mehn, those months in between were hard, to say the truth, I jumped at the sound of any alert on my phone, tried to sound professional whenever I picked calls of unknown numbers.

The other side of November is where my wishes come true, when I least excepted, got a call to hop on the train heading towards dreams ville to collect my fortunes. It wasn't an easy journey leading up to here, but I'd say it was well deserving.

I am still rough at the edges, the agency is the sandpaper, ready to smoothen and bring out the best of answer to them is go for it, I shall take whatever comes my way in the hope of moving closer to my dreams.


  1. Nice writeup!!! got 2 know some more of u which i had not known earlier.i really enjoyed driving home yesterday thru a very heavy traffic cos i had good enough time 2 read thru.all da best.miss yah, ...'Wale

  2. Kikum congrats baby

  3. Never new u had such talent, reading ur piece got me smell bound, until the end, kept up.. the sky will be ur staring point....

  4. thanks y'all...and bless ya Mr.Anonymous for reading till the end.
