Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Moral Code

In my country, we live by a code.
We are often told to pray, that it is the ray
to light our way
and when we open our mouths, vowels form
 volcanic sounds erupting with
thunderous rumbling consonants that emit from our bellies
foreign languages as we strain to hear the still voice amidst the noise.
We are told to believe everything will work out
Chant verses to subdue any avarice,
Cos to be poor is to be the richest man alive.
But cursed are the meek in spirit, for in their silence
they’ve built an asylum that house refugees with utter disregard
of our beliefs
sealing the fate of generations to come in concrete and wiping out humanity.
As we lay our moral six feet under the ground, the final prayer on their
lips will be the proclamation of a God, they say never existed.