Monday, 30 December 2013

Burden of life

Some place in my part of the world and somewhere in another geographical time zone, "John Doe" and Jane Doe are right now taking stock of their achievements. A roller coaster ride of fleeting thoughts going round in their heads. I certainly don't think anyone is high fiving themselves and I may have said okaygoeasyonyourself if I wasn't doing the same thing
This feeling is usually brought on as the tide turns, the realization that the year is indeed ending.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Spoken Words

Do you believe that amidst chaos
If you really listen
You’ll hear the still small voice saying “I am here"?
Well... ’Do you believe?
Do you lament your fate every time
Wailing and complaining to everyone who cares to listen
But on the real though, don’t give a damn
Of the trials and sufferings
Meted to you by your enemies?
Really...Not to sound sarcastic but then again,
I‘m allowed to change my mind.
Even His Son who bore your sin had complaint but who did he take it to?
Yes...In case you forgot.
HE is the Alpha,
HE is the Omega,
The Beginning,
The End,
The Middle,
The Hereafter,
The Thereafter,
The Comma,
The Full Stop,
Need I go on?
If the weight of the world is on your shoulders, remember HE is God
Even the president who has to sort the troubles of 160 million people goes to bed
Heavily guarded by armies of soldiers;
What does that tell you?
HE isn’t Omnipresent
HE isn’t Omniscient
As you also go to bed unconscious of the swarm of angels
Doing battle on your behalf
Only to get up in the morning…rested…or almost
And walk out like you own your body…
Forgetting to say a prayer of thanksgiving
Oh yeah!
I remember, the body that was once a temple
Has become the holy grail of different markings
Scars…that run deep
And on Sunday you go lift up “holy hands”
Oh really...
Those hands that touches filth
Hands that lay calabashes at the T junction.
Laying claims to wealth not labored for
Did you forget…that He Said?
My words will not return to me unfulfilled,
Or that He will not test us beyond our abilities to withstand
Rather you test His patience.
Pushing the buttons to find how far you can go
Before you turn and say “Save me Jesus, I‘m an unworthy servant”
Remember he is patient because he always shows mercy
But he will not wait until… (I’d allow you fill in the gaps)
So now that you know what you already knew
How about I ask you the question one more time
Do you believe that amidst chaos
If you really listen
You’ll hear the still small voice saying “I am here?

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

A Drunkard's Tale


With light steps, he swaggers

Grinning with false excitement..

He makes his way towards an unseen path

Heading for destruction or restitution?

Only he can tell.

Whistling, he casts his burden aside

That can wait, for now he is on a high

He makes his way towards the unthreaded path

Heading for scarring or reparation

Only he can tell

Or maybe he can’t tell

Tell... the tale of his ending

As a dirge begins 

And cries echoes from lips

While frowns grace the faces of watchers 

And silent thoughts that screams “there he goes, with my tips”

From friends who had cheered him on

Now...the dust becomes the revered

Putting a covering to a body so severed

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The Dance

Success is a dancer
To be her partner
You have to be a willing learner
Who will invest time in practice
Who has stories sewn to the fabric
Gut laced to the soles
Grit… marking the lines of the face.

Her dance steps are varied
Thrusting, turning, twirling… never harried
She tasks the ability of one to keep up
Here the trap is laid for one who can’t buck up
Moving on…she never stops
Taking on the next ward, waiting to see if he can keep up
For the reward is only for the indulgent
Who can master her steps and enjoy the dance

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Headline Story: How Advertising Changed my life...

We are in the era where trends are changing,  people are becoming really addicted to cyberspace and all sort of smart phones that are meant to make life easier:-when a phone can do teleportation, then I'd believe.
it makes us unaware of  the surroundings and situations around  because we have our heads bent to that small device that has us entranced. it makes us do what it wants at will, when we hear the sound that alerts us of an incoming message, we all but forget what we were about to do and reach for the little devil.
I have been caught in the web and I can say, that I have lived to tell the testimonies.  However,this is what advertizing has helped me do
  • Become aware of happenings around me, I take in a whole lot, because right there could be my Eureka moment.
  • Broadened my knowledge bank, imagine getting briefs on different brand and lawd have mercy, what this my eyes has seen eh, my small mouth cannot tell.
  • Look critically at adverts, looking to find the rationale for the message.
  • Going out has suddenly become my forte,  though I'm yet to resume my cocktail expedition, but going places has suddenly become my favorite pastime.
  • In advertising, you are never judgmental, the lines between good and evil blurs and at some point intertwined.
  • Find all the sides there are to me, and what shocking revelations I have made.
  • Not shocked when I find people acting weird, because in advertizing, there are really crazy people.
  • Sometimes, all I do is doodle, doodle and Kenny says" never let the white bull be the boss"
I have to cut this post short, just had my Eureka moment, and you don't know how many days it took to get here. (hehehe)